Salud Pública de México (Jan 1998)
Prevalencia de infección tuberculosa en escolares de la ciudad de Tijuana, México Prevalence of tuberculosis infection in schoolchildren from Tijuana, Mexico
Objetivo. Determinar la prevalencia de infección tuberculosa en escolares de la ciudad de Tijuana, México. Material y métodos. Se seleccionó aleatoriamente una muestra a partir del registro escolar municipal y se incluyeron 1 131 estudiantes de primaria y secundaria. A todos se les aplicó una dosis de tuberculina 5TU (Mantoux). Los sujetos con induración > o = 10 mm se clasificaron como reactores positivos. Resultados. El estudio demostró que entre los sujetos participantes la prevalencia global de reactores positivos fue de 57%. La proporción de reactores positivos fue significativamente mayor en el grupo de sujetos inmunizados con BCG que en el grupo de no inmunizados (59.7 vs 45.6%; p Objective. To determine the prevalence of tuberculosis infection in school children from Tijuana, Mexico. Materials and methods. A study sample was randomly chosen from the municipal school registry and 1 131 elementary and high school children were included. All received one dosis of PPD 5 TU (Mantoux). Subjects with induration > or = 10 mm were considered positive reactors. Results. The overall prevalence of positive reactors was 57%. The proportion of positive reactors was significantly higher among BCG-immunized subjects than in non-immunized individuals (59.7 vs 45.6 % ; p <0.001). Correlation was not significant between age of immunization with BCG and diameter of induration. Conclusions. The prevalence of tuberculosis infection in Tijuana is extremely high; this fact has important implications in the control of tuberculosis in this region.