Distances et Médiations des Savoirs (Jun 2018)

Stratégies d’autorégulation et synchronisation des temporalités dans un dispositif hybride : le rôle de l’évaluation

  • Najoua Mohib

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 22


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In this paper, we present a study on the effect of a blended learning module at Master level which learning outcomes were the development of project management competencies. Our objective was to better understand the impact of assessment on self-regulated learning as well as on time management in a module combining a Mooc and a face-to-face class. The analysis of students’ interviews shows that, for the Mooc, frequency of assessment facilitates the elaboration of self-regulation strategies despite the constraints they impose, which then allows the synchronisation of the multiple temporalities of the training programme. Results highlight the role played by teachers in self-regulation processes and invite to further explore pedagogical potentialities of evaluation.
