Case Reports in Gastroenterology (Jul 2021)
Laparotomy-Assisted Direct Cholangioscopy for Bile Duct Stone Removal via an Incision of the Jejunum
A 77-year-old man presented to our hospital with epigastric pain. He had previously undergone hepatic left lateral segmentectomy, cholangiojejunostomy, and Roux-en-Y reconstruction at 42 years of age for intrahepatic stones and liver abscesses. Abdominal computed tomography and magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography revealed bile duct stones and intrahepatic bile duct dilation of the caudate lobe. Bile duct drainage for the caudate lobe was necessary; however, the volume of his caudate lobe was very small, making percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage (PTBD) or endoscopic ultrasound-guided biliary drainage (EUS-BD) difficult. Therefore, we attempted laparotomy-assisted endoscopic biliary drainage. Under general anesthesia, an incision was made on the jejunum approximately 15 cm from the Y-leg anastomosis. An esophagogastroduodenoscope was directly inserted into the common hepatic duct anastomosed with the jejunum. The caudate lobe branch had severe stenosis, and the area upstream of the stenosis was filled with stones, sludge, and pus. The biliary stenosis was dilated using a balloon, and the stones were completely removed using a basket and a balloon catheter. There are various methods of biliary and pancreatic surgery and gastrointestinal reconstruction, and there are cases in which PTBD, EUS-BD, and endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) with an enteroscope are difficult. In such cases, ERCP under laparotomy could be a good treatment option.