Bioedukasi: Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi FKIP UM Metro (May 2018)
Baturraden Tourism is a leading tourist attraction located at the foot of Mount Slamet (± 640 dpl), about 14 Km north of Purwokerto, Central Java. The location on the slope of the mountain causes the Baturraden area to be found in much mountainous flora and fauna. The utilization of Baturraden Tourism in Education Program Based Local Excellence (PBKL) is integrated with biology subjects because biology based on standard content in the curriculum are included the subject of science with one essence in the form of development skills process. The initial phase of PBKL development is done by analyzing the local potential region and potential schools, developing a subject-specific pedagogic -based subject program, as well as the integration of the PBKL substance in SK-KD biology subjects as reflected in the developed learning indicators. Analysis of local potential and local potency is done by direct observation and interview. The development of subject-specific pedagogic is done with the development of learning models, learning modules, instructional media, and evaluation instruments based on local excellence. However, the utilization of the Beturraden in the PBKL program is integrated into SK-KD biology so it is expected that students will have excellent competencies such as: being able to utilize local advantage as a source of learning, developing and empowering local excellence as teaching materials and instructional media, applying knowledge in preservation of excellence local, and increase the sense of responsibility in maintaining local excellence Kata kunci: Lokawisata Baturraden, pengembangan, program penddidikan berbasis keunggulan lokal