Al Ameen Journal of Medical Sciences (Jul 2023)

Self-directed learning: health care professional’s perspective - A study

  • Munazza Fathima,
  • Syeda Noorul Absar,
  • Ghulam Subhani,
  • Neeraj Sadiq,
  • Mohammed Khaleel,
  • Mohammed Mohsin,
  • Maddipati Sai Krishna

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 16, no. 03
pp. 216 – 222


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Background: Self-directed learning is a teaching learning method emphasized as a part of newly developed competency based medical education (CBME) which was implemented in 2019 and since then it is an active part of the curriculum. Aims and Objectives: To evaluate the shift in learning process from teacher based education to a student based instruction by assessment of Self-Directed Learning Readiness (SDLR) scores among health professional’s medical students, nursing students, Physiotherapy and Pharmacy students. Material and Methods: A questionnaire based prospective observational study was done in Deccan College of Medical Sciences from Aug 2022 to October 2022. Statistical analysis was done using R language. Results: Maximum SDLR score obtained was 105 and minimum was 21. Scores 80 as high. SDLR scores of most students were low. The scores were comparable to other studies like a South Indian study done who reported a mean SDLRS score in the low readiness category and some studies scores were high readiness to learn. Conclusion: Most students are ready for self- directed learning but their scores need to improve.
