Diversitate si Identitate Culturala in Europa (May 2023)
Identites culturelles europeennes. Eminescu – un personnage?
In the fourth decade of the last century, the most important synthesis studies about Eminescu appeared: Tudor Vianu - Eminescu's Poetry (1930), G. Călinescu - Mihai Eminescu's Life (1932) and Mihai Eminescu's Opera (1934-1936). After Călinescu's biography and E. Lovinescu's novels - Mite (1934) and Bălăuca (1935), the true Eminescu biographical image is born, "the true myth of the poet's life" (Simuţ). How was the epic image of Eminescu's biography formed in the narratives of the two literary critics and historians? How did they manage to mix fiction and documentary in the writings about Eminescu? What does the epic image of the Eminescu biography look like, as it emerges from the novels of the two critical authorities?