Foundations (Aug 2024)
A Double Legendre Polynomial Order N Benchmark Solution for the 1D Monoenergetic Neutron Transport Equation in Plane Geometry
As more and more numerical and analytical solutions to the linear neutron transport equation become available, verification of the numerical results becomes increasingly important. This presentation concerns the development of another benchmark for the linear neutron transport equation in a benchmark series, each employing a different method of solution. In 1D, there are numerous ways of analytically solving the monoenergetic transport equation, such as the Wiener–Hopf method, based on the analyticity of the solution, the method of singular eigenfunctions, inversion of the Laplace and Fourier transform solutions, and analytical discrete ordinates in the limit, which is arguably one of the most straightforward, to name a few. Another potential method is the PN (Legendre polynomial order N) method, where one expands the solution in terms of full-range orthogonal Legendre polynomials, and with orthogonality and series truncation, the moments form an open set of first-order ODEs. Because of the half-range boundary conditions for incoming particles, however, full-range Legendre expansions are inaccurate near material discontinuities. For this reason, a double PN (DPN) expansion in half-range Legendre polynomials is more appropriate, where one separately expands incoming and exiting flux distributions to preserve the discontinuity at material interfaces. Here, we propose and demonstrate a new method of solution for the DPN equations for an isotropically scattering medium. In comparison to a well-established fully analytical response matrix/discrete ordinate solution (RM/DOM) benchmark using an entirely different method of solution for a non-absorbing 1 mfp thick slab with both isotropic and beam sources, the DPN algorithm achieves nearly 8- and 7-place precision, respectively.