Escola Anna Nery (Jan 2018)

Health education to prevent chronic diabetes mellitus complications in primary care

  • Maria Aparecida Salci,
  • Betina Hörner Schlindwein Meirelles,
  • Denise Maria Guerreiro Vieira da Silva

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 22, no. 1


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ABSTRACT Objective: Understand how Family Health Strategy members organize themselves for health education, on the management and prevention of chronic complications of diabetes mellitus in primary health care. Method: Qualitative study that used complex thought as the theoretical framework and evaluative research as the methodological framework. Thirty-eight healthcare professionals took part in the study. Data was gathered using the following techniques: interview, observation, and analysis of medical records. The data analysis, which was supported by triangulation, used ATLAS.ti software. Results: Shortcomings in health education were identified, such as insufficient infrastructure, poor interpersonal relationships among health professionals, and lack of planning for carrying out this activity. However, there is room for potential improvement in this situation. Conclusion: Health education for people with diabetes mellitus in primary health care is set within a multifaceted context, with multiple barriers to its implementation.
