Вестник урологии (Apr 2019)
Prof. S.P. Fedorov — founder of urology in Russia (150th anniversary of the birthday)
This article presents the important scientific achievements of S.P. Fedorov as a urologist. S.P. Fedorov is the author of over 120 scientific papers. It was noted that in 1892 he was the first in Russia to prepare and use cholera antitoxin for the treatment of patients, then tetanus toxin and antitoxin, found that antitoxin protects against tetanus if it is administered simultaneously with the toxin. Abroad S.P. Fedorov studied the system of aseptic mode of operation from K. Schimmelbush, and L. Casper studied the method of cystoscopy and catheterization of the ureters and other endoscopic methods that appeared at that time. It was shown that S.P. Fedorov developed new surgeries — in situ pyelotomy, subcapsular nephrectomy, and new surgical instruments were proposed. He is rightly called the father of Russian urology. The circumstance is analyzed that the main direction of S.P. Fedorov's scientific activity was the problems of surgery of the urinary and biliary tracts. He summarized the extensive experience of the surgeon in the Atlas of Cystoscopy and Rectoscopy (1911), the Surgery of the Kidneys and Ureters (1923-1925), and others. Galpernom edition of the surgical journal «New Surgical Archive», essentially the first Soviet surgical journal, created in the difficult years of the Civil War and post-war devastation. He was the editor of the 1st edition of the BME, together with S.S. Girgolavom and A.V. Martynov was the editor of the multivolume Guide to Practical Surgery. S.P. Fedorov created a major domestic surgical school, from which dozens of specialists, heads of surgical departments of medical universities in various cities of the USSR graduated. The name of S.P. Fedorov was given to the department of hospital surgery of the Military Medical Academy. S.M. Kirov. It is noted that he was the first of the Soviet surgeons to be awarded the Order of Lenin (1933).