Ekonomski Anali (Jan 2024)

The impact of educational technologies on learning outcomes in higher business education

  • Zečević Aleksandra,
  • Stakić Đorđe,
  • Damjanović Aleksandar

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 69, no. 241
pp. 129 – 160


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The paper examines the impact of alternative ways of teaching and the use of various educational technologies on students’ performance. Our survey was conducted on a sample of actively enrolled students of Business Informatics at the Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade, in December 2022. Our results suggest that utilisation of communication and learning platforms (Viber, WhatsApp, Facebook, Moodle and course sites), although widely accepted and favoured by students, has no significant impact on their performance. Students’ performance was measured by their average grades and the share of passed examinations in the total number of attended courses (i.e., success rate). We have found evidence that students’ performance can be related to the teaching approach. Furthermore, attending classes online worsens students’ chances of improving their average grade and their success rate in business informatics courses. On the other hand, the data suggests that students’ chances of improving their total average grade improve if they attend classes online.
