Овощи России (Sep 2022)
Results of carrot cultivation test under the conditions of the south of the Amur Region
Carrot is one of the main vegetable crops due to its high yield and long-term preservation during winter storage. In the Amur Region, the vegetable crop zoning is underdeveloped. As a result, the assortment of recognized varieties and hybrids of carrot has long been outdated and is not replenished with new items. As part of the research work of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "BGPU" at its agrobiological station, the specialists perform testing and assessment of various vegetable crops, including carrot. The purpose of the study is to identify high-yielding varieties of garden carrots suitable for cultivating in the agricultural and climatic conditions of the south of the Amur Region. The field trial was performed in accordance with the methods developed by B.A. Dospekhov (1985) and the state variety testing of agricultural crops described in "Vegetable and Cucurbit Crops, Potato, and Fodder Root Crops" (1956). The researchers applied agricultural technology that is commonly used in the region. Fifteen carrot samples of foreign selection were the object of the study. The hybrid F1 Abaco that had been grown at the agrobiological station for a long time was set as a standard. The vegetative period of the studied varieties under the regional conditions is 92-110 days. Nanco F1 and Sylvano F1 showed high yields, producing 41.0 and 47.0 tons of marketable roots per ha, with an average root weight of 110.1 and 120.9 g, respectively. The marketability of harvested root crops was 89.0% for Nanco F1 and 94.0% for Sylvano F1. We recommend vegetable growers in the region to establish a cultivation conveyor for garden carrots using the mid-early Presto F1 hybrid for sale in an early bunch and high-yielding F1 hybrids Nanco and Sylvano for fall use.