Srpski Arhiv za Celokupno Lekarstvo (Jan 2012)
Heterotopic pregnancy after in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer: A case report
Introduction. Heterotopic pregnancy is a life-threatening complication of pregnancy defined as coexistent intrauterine and ectopic gestation. Its diagnosis is frequently overlooked and delayed. Case Outline. A 28-year-old woman experienced acute abdominal pain in pregnancy achieved by in vitro fertilization. Since all previous checkups indicated a normal course of pregnancy, the ectopic pregnancy was not suspected on admission. However, due to persistent hypotension, this diagnosis was also considered. Transvaginal ultrasound performed by an experienced obstetrician revealed an adnexal mass highly indicative of ectopic pregnancy. No fetal heart beats were visualized and the diagnosis of a missed abortion was made. A prompt laparotomy revealed a ruptured right ampullary pregnancy, and salpingectomy was performed. Conclusion. Although rare, heterotopic pregnancy should be considered in the differential diagnosis of abdominal pain in pregnancy. Every physician treating women of reproductive age should bear in mind the possibility of heterotopic pregnancy not only in patients with predisposing risk factors but also in those without them.