Studia Administracyjne (Dec 2023)

Glosa aprobująca do orzeczenia Wojewódzkiego Sądu Administracyjnego w Szczecinie z dnia 10 marca 2022 r., sygn. akt II SA/Sz 1285/21

  • Zuzanna Czernicka

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 18, no. 2


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The commented judgment of the Voivodship Administrative Court in Szczecin, dated March 10, 2022, ref. no. II SA/Sz 1285/21, is a voice in controversial cases in which different lines of jurisprudence clash. Taking into account, in particular, the provision of Article 17(1) of the Law on Family Benefits, one can observe a differentiation of the situation of those entitled to receive family benefits. This judgment is interesting from the perspective of both substantive administrative law and procedural administrative law. A party who applied for a nursing benefit for giving up employment or other gainful employment in connection with caring for a brother-in-law with a disability was denied the benefit – hence she filed a complaint with the Regional Administrative Court. The court overturned the decision, making a pro-constitutional interpretation that deviated from the strict wording of the regulations. This ruling represents a significant impact on administrative rights. Finding merit in invoking the principles of equality before the law and social justice, the WSA expanded the group of people who can receive the benefit. Thus, the support of those who require it by the social welfare system was accomplished, and contributed to the reduction of the defectiveness of the legal norms.
