Poultry Science (Jun 2023)
Short-term exposure to fumonisins and deoxynivalenol, on broiler growth performance and cecal Salmonella load during experimental Salmonella Enteritidis infection
ABSTRACT: Fumonisins (FUM) and deoxynivalenol (DON) are two common mycotoxins in poultry feed. Salmonella enterica ser. Enteritidis (S. Enteritidis) is a primary foodborne bacterium in broilers. This trial was conducted to evaluate the effects of naturally occurring FUM and DON and their combination at subclinical doses on broiler performance during a S. Enteritidis challenge. The experiment consisted of five treatments: NCC, no-challenge no-mycotoxin treatment; CC, Salmonella challenge + no-mycotoxin treatment; DON, DON 0.6 mg/kg + Salmonella challenge; FUM, FUM 14 mg/kg + Salmonella challenge; DON + FUM + T-2 + neosolaniol, DON 0.6 mg/kg + FUM 14 mg/kg + T-2 toxin 0.6 mg/kg + 0.8 mg/kg neosolaniol + Salmonella challenge. On d 4, birds were challenged with either 0 or 1 × 109 CFU/mL S. Enteritidis orally. There were no significant effects on growth performance among treatments at 0, 3, 7, and 14 d of post-inoculation (dpi). On 14 dpi, the combined DON + FUM + T-2 + neosolaniol significantly increased the Salmonella load by 1.5 logs compared to the control groups (P < 0.05). FUM significantly increased the cecal tonsil IL-10 gene expression by 1.2-fold at 7 dpi (P < 0.05) and downregulated TNF-α by 1.8-fold on 14 dpi compared to the control, nonchallenge groups (P < 0.05). On 7 dpi, the combined DON + FUM + T-2 + neosolaniol reduced occludin by 4.4-fold (P < 0.05) when compared to the control groups. Similarly, combined DON + FUM+ T-2 + neosolaniol decreased zona-occluden transcription by 2.3 and 7.6-fold on 3 and 14 dpi, respectively (P < 0.05). Furthermore, combined DON + FUM + T-2 + neosolaniol decreased Claudin-1 by 2.2-fold and Claudin-4 by 5.1-fold on 14 dpi when compared to the control groups (P < 0.05). In conclusion, short-term exposure to a subclinical dose of combined DON + FUM + T-2 + neosolaniol had an impact on broiler intestinal tight junction proteins and cecal Salmonella abundance under experimental Salmonella challenge.