European Journal of Management and Business Economics (Dec 2023)
Key policy mechanisms supporting the University–Industry collaboration in the Danube region: case study of academic HPC centres and SMEs
Purpose – This paper aims to explore the key anchors of the National Innovation System shaping the nature of collaboration between academic high-performance computing centres (academic HPC centres) and small- to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) working in the automotive and electronics sectors of the Danube region. With two main research questions, it discusses the importance of knowledge transfer and technology transfer for collaboration between University and Industry (U-I collaboration) in three groups of developmentally distinct countries: competitively advanced, competitively intermediate and competitively lagging. As main anchors of the innovation system, stable legal environment, exciting innovation policies and strong R&D funding are recognised. Design/methodology/approach – A qualitative empirical study in 14 Danube region countries included 92 focus group participants, expert representatives of academic HPC centres and SMEs. The data were audio recorded, transcribed and analysed. Findings – The findings show the main prerequisites of the framework conditions for efficient U-I collaboration evolve through a goal-oriented National Innovation Policy and developed and functioning legal environment supporting labour market and intellectual property (IP) protection and enforcement. Additionally, skilled people are needed to be able to operate with HPC, where it seems all the countries lack such skilled workforce. In competitively lagging countries, the high levels of brain drain exhibit strong impact to U-I collaboration. Research limitations/implications – Research into relationships between academic HPC centres and SMEs conducted was qualitative; therefore, limitations in terms of generalisation arise from it. On the other hand, the research is promising in terms of offering the guidance for policy makers who can use the findings when delivering innovation policy mix, adjusted to developmental level of own innovation ecosystem. Originality/value – The study is among the pioneering work in U-I collaboration between academic HPC centres and SMEs from automotive and electronics industries in the Danube region. The research addresses the dynamics of collaboration and offers policy implications to strengthen the particular U-I collaboration. 研究目的 – 本文旨在探究國家創新系統的主要支柱; 這些支柱決定了學術性的高速網路與計算中心 (註: 此為直譯) (以下簡稱學術高網算中心) 與於多瑙河地區的汽車製造業和電子產品行業內營運的中小型企業之間的合作性質。本文透過兩條主要的研究問題、去探討知識轉移和技術轉讓對大學與產業界之間的合作的重要性而這些產業是屬於在發展階段上三個明顯不同的國家組別裏的這三個組別是 競爭先進的、競爭性中級的和競爭落後的。穩定的法律環境、令人興奮的創新政策和強大的研究與開發資金被認為是創新系統的三個主要支柱。 研究設計 – 研究人員在14個位於多瑙河地區的國家裏進行一個質性觀察研究研究涵蓋92個焦點小組參與者、來自學術高網算中心和中小型企業的專家代表。有關的數據被錄音繼而被轉寫下來最後被分析。 研究結果 – 研究結果顯示效率高的大學產業界合作的框架條件的主要先決條件是透過一個以目標為導向的國家創新政策而逐漸形成繼而發展起來; 另外所需的條件是一個支援勞工市場、保障知識產權、並執行有關的法律的正常運作的法律環境。其次若想與學術高網算中心一起工作技術人才是必須的因學術高網算中心內的所有國家似乎欠缺技術勞動力。在落後於競爭對手的國家裏高度的人才外流對大學與產業界之間的合作會產生重大的影響。 研究的局限/啟示 – 由於研究採用的研究方法為質性研究法故研究結果、就普遍化的歸納而言是有其局限的。唯研究結果在實務方面有其作用因政策制定者在推行與科技進步與對策有關的策略時他們可把研究結果作為指引就其自身創新生態系統的發展水準而作出適當的調整。 研究的原創性/價值 – 本研究探討涉及學術高網算中心與於多瑙河地區的汽車製造業和電子產品行業內營運的中小型企業之間合作的大學產業界合作就此而言可說是開創性研究之一。本研究探究有關的大學產業界合作的變革動力並為政策制定者提供啟示以能強化有關的合作。