Социологическая наука и социальная практика (Mar 2021)
Child Relationships in the Triad В«School-Student-FamilyВ» During the Development of Distance Learning
In the spring of 2020, the WHO announced a coronavirus pandemic, which changed the usual course of events around the world. Many everyday tasks required additional efforts and resources. Remote educational technologies acquired a non-alternative and total nature, which necessitated their rapid development by all participants in the educational process. This period of mastering the school curriculum by children and their parents has become memorable for all subjects of the new virtual educational space. Teachers, parents, children had to urgently try themselves in a new quality and replenish the content of the social role with new «competencies». In order to identify the characteristics of the «school-student-family» relationship that developed during the period of mass and accelerated transfer of school education to a distance format and to determine the place and role of the child in this system of relations and a specific situation, a sociological study was conducted. It consisted of a combination of quantitative and qualitative approaches – from content analysis and discourse analysis. As a source of information, we took text messages from users of the social network «Instagram» who spoke out on the problem of mastering distance educational technologies in the initial period of a pandemic. The study showed that in the triad of school-studentfamily relations, a child, due to age-related psychophysiological immaturity and lack of technical literacy in the use of distance educational technologies, acquires a secondary role as a «follower». The barriers in the acquisition of new knowledge that arose along with the introduction of distance technologies in school education updated the information and knowledge factor, the strengthening of which erases the boundaries between the child and adult world, and the lack of it isolates childhood from adults.