Вестник медицинского института «Реавиз»: Реабилитация, врач и здоровье (May 2022)
On possibility of application of instrumental and projection assessment of pain syndrome
Topicality. In modern medical practice, the issue of studying and developing methods for assessing pain syndrome is acute, which is associated not only with the complexity of interpreting this sensation, but also with the lack of a unified idea of the mechanism for forming pain sensations. The development of diagnostic capabilities in the field of medical practice and the possibility of widespread use of modern equipment allowed us to take a new look at the possibility of instrumental and projection assessment of pain syndrome.The purpose of this study is to study the possibility of using instrumental and projection assessment of pain syndrome in medical practice.Material and methods. The study was carried out on the basis of a compilation of data from modern domestic and foreign scientific sources in the field of the possibility of using instrumental and projection assessment of pain syndrome.Results. The latest methods of assessing pain syndrome are aimed at the maximum possible objectification of pain sensations, which allows making the most reliable clinical assessment of the patient's condition. Currently, research methods such as neuroimaging, determination of cutaneous electroconductivity, analgesic nociceptive index, surgical plethysmographic index, electroencephalography, plethysmography are being actively introduced. The instrumental methods described above are the latest methods for objectively assessing not only the intensity of pain syndrome, but also the degree of nociceptive protection when applying intraoperative analgesia methods. The ambiguity of the results obtained during clinical trials as part of the evaluation of the validity of these criteria for assessing the strength of nociception dictates the need to continue further research in the field of this issue.Conclusion. In modern medical practice, the issue of developing methods to ensure an adequate, objective assessment of the intensity of pain syndrome remains acute. This issue mainly concerns surgical doctors, which is associated with the need to provide an adequate anesthesiological allowance in the intraoperative period, which will avoid the development of postoperative pain syndrome. Solving this problem will contribute to a significant improvement in the results of therapeutic interventions and reduce the risk of developing chronic pain in the patient.