Journal of Anaesthesiology Clinical Pharmacology (Jan 2015)

Subcutaneous emphysema: Unique presentation of a foreign body in the airway

  • Mahendra Kumar,
  • Arun Goyal,
  • Neelima Gupta,
  • Rajesh Singh Rautela

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 31, no. 3
pp. 404 – 406


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Foreign body airway (FBA) is a common problem among the children. Variable presentation makes it difficult to diagnose a case of FBA, particularly, when no definite history of aspiration is available. Subcutaneous emphysema (SCE) and pneumomediastinum are rare presentations. We report a case of FBA who presented with SCE without any history of aspiration. A 3-year-old female child was admitted with respiratory distress, fever and SCE over the right side of chest, neck and face. Initially, she was diagnosed as a case of pneumonitis with barotrauma. X-ray of the chest revealed SCE with pneumomediastinum without pneumothorax. Diagnostic bronchoscopy with rigid ventilating bronchoscope was done under general anesthesia. A plastic foreign body with sharp projections embedded in the mucosa was detected and retrieved from right main bronchus. Postoperatively SCE regressed gradually.
