National Journal of Community Medicine (Dec 2015)
Hygienic Practice and Knowledge of Food Borne Diseases in Home Kitchen Handlers
Background: Food borne illness cases may occur due to improperly prepared or mishandled food, unhygienic sanitation and cleaning practice at home by home kitchen handlers. Objective: Objectives of the study was to explore the knowledge and practice of literate female of Indore city who are dealing with Home kitchen every day. Methodology: A Cross-Sectional study among 160 participants ac- cording to their profession (Health sector workers, Non-health sector workers, House Makers and Students) were selected randomly and interviewed using self administered questionnaire. Result: It shows that the mean percentage score for the good know- ledge and hygienic practice was 79.44% and 71.15%. Knowledge practice scores was significantly (p < 0.0006) different by the levels of education and for Hygienic practice a significant difference (p <0.05) was observed between Health and Non-Health sector worker. Conclusion: Knowledge and Practice among kitchen handlers was significantly (p= 0.0202) higher in Health sector workers than other sectors.