Turkish Journal of Orthodontics (Apr 2003)
Indırect Bondıng Wıth Targ+Tr In Lıngual Orthodontıcs: Laboratory Procedures
Bracket positionning is one of the most important aspect of lingual technique and treatment results depends on 5 essential parameters which are torque, angulation, height, thickness and rotation. In lingual mechanotherapy it is imperative to take these five parameters into account in order to eliminate some of the biomechanical disadvantages of the technique, reduce treatment and chair time and as well as to achieve good treatment results. Nowadays following laboratory procedures are used: TARG (Torque Angulation Reference Guide), CLASS (Custom Lingual Appliance Set-Up Service), BEST system (Bonding with Equal Specific Thickness), TOP system (Transfer Optimized Positioning) ve TARG+TR:( Torque Angulation Reference Guide+Thichness & Rotation). In this study TARG+TR system developped at our department is explained.