Vestnik Volgogradskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta. Seriâ 2. Âzykoznanie (Dec 2020)
Functions of Ironical Mode in the Russian Travelogue
The research is performed within the linguistic stylistic approach which allows to determine the pragmatic foundation as existence of the ironic mode. The article is devoted to consideration of travelogue as a special type of text and to the evidence that irony is one of the universal features of travelogue as a text, which helps to define the borders between "own" and "other" and is aimed at perception of these borders. The material for analysis includes the texts of the 19 th and 20 th centuries, which vividly express the author's ironic attitude towards the reality. The functions of ironic mode in the Russian travelogue are revealed. The dominating role of the educating function is demonstrated. It is determined that ironic mode is characterized by polyfunctionality – simultaneous actualization of several functions, including: motivational (the motivation of readers to follow the author's travel as well as accept his ideas), expressive and contact-setting (as combination of contact initiation and harmonization of communication), aesthetic (making an object of description artistic and sensitive) functions. The research might continue with studying the ironic mode in travelogue of different times in a comparative aspect as well as analyzing the ironic mode within the peculiarities of the author's individual style.