Проблемы особо опасных инфекций (Aug 2008)
Production of S-layer proteins by Different <i>Bacillus anthracis</i> Strains
Investigated were antigenic properties of proteins produced by B. anthracis strains STI (рХО1+, рХО2-), Davies (рХО1-, рХО2+), 81/1TR (рХО1-, рХО2-), eluated in void volume (fraction 1) at division of cultural filtrates (CF) on superfine sefacryle S-300. Sera to fractions 1 of B. anthracis STI, 81/1TR and Davies CF were shown to contain antibodies to different antigens. The proteins identified with the help of sera were referred to antigens of В. anthracis S-layer relaying on м.м. 94 kDa, characteristic for S-layer proteins, localization on superficial cell structure, and independence of their production from virulence plasmids.