Vìsnik Unìversitetu ìmenì Alʹfreda Nobelâ: Serìâ Pedagogìka ì Psihologiâ (Jul 2023)


  • Sapozhnykov Stanislav,,
  • Bykova Viktoriia

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 1, no. 25
pp. 90 – 103


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The article carries out a thorough and comprehensive analysis of approaches that contribute to the effectiveness of professional training of future specialists in the socionomic sphere in the current socio-cultural situation and in terms of forced distance interaction. The goal of the article is to determine the main pedagogical technologies that are the most effective and characteristic for the training of future specialists in the socionomic area of expertise. According to the goal, the following tasks were set: firstly, on the basis of content analysis, to identify and analyse the main pedagogical technologies that are the most effective and characteristic for the professional training of future specialists in the socionomic sphere; secondly, to justify the effectiveness of the use of certain pedagogical technologies specifically for the training of experts in the socionomic sphere relying on the systematization and conceptualization of advanced pedagogical experience in higher education institutions. It has been established that the pedagogical technologies used in the training of future specialists in the socionomic sphere in the institution of higher education must design a mechanism of management and development of the personality and professional skills of the future experts. This becomes possible only under the condition of a set of students’ and teachers’ actions – cognitive and instrumental ones. The primary development of such technologies is the creation of highly productive students’ educational activities and highly effective managerial teachers’ activities in their educational, professional and creative interaction. It has been found that among the most promising pedagogical technologies capable of implementing the specified strategic tasks are project technology (project method), integrative-modular technologies, modular-rating learning technology, problem-based learning technology, case technologies, information and communication technologies and computer distance learning technologies. The mentioned technologies allow ensuring the comprehensive personal development of future specialists in the socionomic sphere, their preparation for productive professional activity, a high level of study and cognitive activity and self-management of the educational process. In the article, the emphasis is placed on the priority of integrating modern information and communication technologies into professional education for the purpose of forming the professional experience of future specialists in the socionomic sphere, activating thinking, intensification of educational activities, in particular in the distance learning conditions. It has been substantiated that the existing problems in the system of higher education in Ukraine require significant evolutionary changes in the paradigm of professional training and in all components of the educational process. It has been established that the reform of the education process in Ukrainian higher education institutions, which prepare future specialists in the socionomic sphere, should be aimed at including students in an active learning process and exerting a significant influence on the motivational, cognitive, emotional-volitional and psychophysiological spheres of their personality ensuring thereby their further professional and spiritual rise. It was concluded that for the modern theory and methodology of professional education of future specialists in the socionomic sphere, the search for new pedagogical opportunities is connected, first of all, with the rejection of some elements of the traditional educational process, the use of the idea of the integrity of the pedagogical process as a system based on the theory of universal human values, principles of humanization and humanitarization of professional knowledge, person-oriented approach, the priority of subject-subject relations.
