РМЖ. Мать и дитя (Jul 2019)
Topical treatment for acute vulvovaginal candidiasis
Topical treatment for acute vulvovaginal candidiasis V.G. Volkov Tula State University, Tula, Russian Federation Vulvovaginal candidiasis is a yeast infection of vulvar and vaginal mucosa caused by Candida species. It is still one of the most common conditions in women visiting their health care providers. Current treatment approaches to vaginal candidiasis include topical and systemic antibiotics. The authors present the clinical experience of using clotrimazole 2% intravaginally for topical treatment of acute vaginal candidiasis. 37 women presented with complaints of white vaginal discharge were treated. All women were diagnosed with acute vulvovaginal candidiasis. Clotrimazole 2% was administered intravaginally at nights for 6 days. Most women reported on the improvement of vaginal discharge, genital itching and burning at day 3 or 4. At day 14, no yeast cells or pseudomicelium were detected in vaginal and cervical smears in 34 women (91.9%). Neither adverse reactions nor treatment withdrawal were reported in a total of 37 women. The authors concluded, that clotrimazole 2% vaginal cream is an effective treatment for acute vulvovaginal candidiasis and has good safety profile. Keywords: vulvovaginal candidiasis, antifungals, clotrimazole 2%, Candida albicans, topical treatment. For citation: Volkov V.G. Topical treatment for acute vulvovaginal candidiasis. Russian Journal of Woman and Child Health. 2019;2(2):139–142.