Jurnal Gizi Klinik Indonesia (Jan 2016)
Kadar kalsium serum pada anak stunting dan tidak stunting usia 24-59 bulan
Background: Children with stunning as the accumulations of the lack of nutrient or continuous infection are highly at risk to suffer from illness and death. In developing country, there are 165 million children under the age of suffering from stunting. Research done showed that nationally stunting prevalence in 2013 is 37,2 percent. West Borneo is one of the twenty provinces with the stunting prevalence above the national average. During the growth period, children need calcium, especially for ossification. The lack of calcium is mainly caused by inadequate intake and or non-optimal calcium absorption. Some of the previous research has shown that the level of calcium serum of children with stunting has significantly lowered than the normal children. Objective: The aim of this study was to analyze the calcium serum level of the children with stunting aged 24-59 months in Pontianak City. Method: This study is a cross-sectional design. It conducted in East Pontianak and North Pontianak subdistricts, from July to August 2015. A number of samples were 90 children. Statistical analysis was performed using chi-square, t-test, and logistic regression. Results: There was no significance in serum calcium level between stunting and nonstunting children (p=0,193). The average of the calcium serum level of the stunting children was 12,14±1,97 mg/dl, while the nonstunting children were 12,16±1,63 mg/dl. The t-test showed that there was no significant difference (p=0,966). Conclusion: There is no significant difference of the calcium serum level between the stunting and nonstunting children aged 24- 59 months in Pontianak City (p=0,193).