Dialogica: Revistă de Studii Culturale și Literatură (May 2021)

Amintiri din carnaval. Umoriștii și balurile moldo-valahe din secolul al XIX-lea

  • Adrian-Silvan IONESCU

Journal volume & issue
Vol. III, no. 1
pp. 53 – 68


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In the Romanian Principalities, society balls were held between 1st of January and Lent. Everyone was eager to revel in this joyful period to the full. The prosperous upper classes and those less well-to-do all made preparations and saved substantial amounts of money for this purpose. Satirists found balls to be a rich source of inspiration for their humorous writings. N. T. Orășanu, I. C. Fundescu, Iorgu Caragiale and his brilliant nephew, Ion Luca Cargiale, wrote about them with great perception and wit in contemporary periodicals.
