مجله پژوهش در علوم توانبخشی (Mar 2011)
The effect of 8 weeks selected exercise therapy and self treatment by pamphlet programs on the strength and range of motion of the neck in patients with chronic neck pain
Abstract Introduction: Chronic neck pain is one of the most common problems among computer users. The aim of this research was evaluation of the effect of 8 weeks selected exercise therapy and self treatment with pamphlet programs on the strength and range of motion (ROM) of the neck in the patients with chronic neck pain. Methods: sixty-six patients with chronic neck pain (mean (±SD) age 39.19 (±3.1) years were recruited is this research study. The isometric strength of the neck muscle was measured by use of manual dynamometer (power track commander II) and for measuring ROM, agoniometer was used. For analyzing data, first the differences of quantities of per and post tests were measured, then evaluated by ANOVA (P<0.05) Results: the results of this research study showed that the difference between the mean values of the strength of the neck muscles was significant. Moreover, there was a significant difference between the neck ROM between the two group of the participant (except in rotation to the left side). The self- treatment by pamphlet group had a significant difference just in rotation to the right side in contrast to that in the control group (P<0.05). Conclusions: Ovarally, it can be concluded that the selected exercise therapy schedule under trainer observation has more useful results in improving muscle strength and ROM in different directions compared to self- treatment by pamphlet programs. Keyword: Chronic neck pain, range of motion, isometric strength, therapeutic exercise.