Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement (Jan 2001)
Contribution des ressources phytogénétiques à la sélection variétale de légumineuses alimentaires tropicales
Contribution of plant genetic resources to varietal selection of tropical food legumes. Thanks to their high content of proteins in the dry seeds and to their ability to fix symbiotically the air nitrogen, the food legumes are a key component of the cultural systems in the tropics. Unfortunately these plants are very often characterized by their low and unstable yields. This is explained, in particular, by their susceptibility to diseases, pests and other abiotic constraints (cold, heat, poor soils, etc.). In order to overcome these obstacles, the genetic improvement of food legumes must be undertaken on the basis of very large varietal collections, including wild and cultivated forms of the studied species or other related species. The analysis of the genetic organization of these collections, as well as their characterization and agronomic evaluation constitute essential steps, guiding the works of varietal selection. The present study synthesizes the results obtained by our laboratory in several cultivated species, mainly in the genera Phaseolus and Vigna, secondarily in the genus Cajanus.