LingVaria (May 2023)

Umieranie i śmierć w polskojęzycznych drukach prawosławnych z kręgu Akademii Mohylańskiej

  • Jolanta Klimek-Grądzka

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 18, no. 1(35)


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DYING AND DEATH IN POLISH LANGUAGE ORTHODOX PRINTED TEXTS AUTHORED BY THE MEMBERS OF KIYV-MOHYLA ACADEMY This article deals with the Polish lexis in the semantic field of DEATH and conceptualizations of death as represented in Orthodox hagiographies and miracula collections. The analysis includes the following three text collections: H. Denisowicz’s Parergon cudów świętych [Parergon of the Miracles of the Saints] (1638), A. Kalnofojski’s Teratourgēma lubo cuda... [Teratourgēma, that is Miracles...] (1638) and S. Kossow’s Paterikon abo zywoty… [Patericon, that is the lives...] (1635). The lexical field under analysis was further divided in to subcategories addressing e.g. the cause of death (zabić [kill], zamordować [murder], obwiesić się [hang oneself]), the killer (bratomorderca [fratricide]), or the relationship between the killer and the victim (oycozaboystwo [patricide]). The article concentrates predominantly on conceptualizations of death, such as death as a road, farewell, crossing the borderline, salvation / condemnation, a dream. These are presented against the background of the Old Polish literary tradition.
