Tekhnologiya i Konstruirovanie v Elektronnoi Apparature (Apr 2017)
Experimental estimation of technology parameters of TWT slow-wave structure elements manufacture
During the test of traveling wave tubes it was ascertained the direct dependence of the thermal conductivity of the slow wave structure from accuracy of manufacturing and from porosity of ceramic support rods. It is allowed to define the need to improve the accuracy of their production and the presorting by porosity. In this paper it is solved the problem of fastening of the ceramic rods in the process of processing by coolant instead of adhesive layer. The list of technological parameters and modes of machining support rods held by molecular cohesion forces are defined. The developed system of experiments allowed to determine the processing parameters required for the calculation of the bond strength (due to the liquid layer) of the ceramic support rod with a mandrel in the process of machining. This makes possible to determine the technological process parameters of ceramic supporting bars polishing for TWT slow-wave structure. It is shown the possibility of power approach to the estimation of process parameters.