Geosul (Jan 2009)
Temporal and spacial variabilities of precipitation in urban areas places: case study in the west region of Belo Horizonte city
The objective of this research was to analyse the temporal and spacial variabilities of precipitation during two thirty-day periods of the rainy season in the Buritis and Estoril districts, both of them located in the West region of Belo Horizonte. The influence of topography, altitude and morphology in the increase of urban atmospheric instability and the daily rainfall totals were evaluated. In order to analyse the data and selection of the sample sites, a digital model of elevation and a map of the use of the ground were prepared. The precipitation reading was standardized for 12h GMT, corresponding to the accumulated total of 24h. The identification and interpretation of the types of weather were possible by using graphics of rhythmic analysis, sinotical map and satellite images. The experiment indicated high correlation between irregular topography and the amount of precipitated rain, proving the effect of the morphology on the increase of the atmospheric instability.