الآداب للدراسات اللغوية والأدبية (Mar 2024)
Analytical Imagination: An Exploration of Imagination in Ancient and Contemporary Writings
The paper examines the concept of imagination from a creative perspective, focusing on a central question concerning the author's level of control over the imaginative nature of his work. Using a comparative textual analysis approach, the discussion looks at specific writings to find similarities and differences in order to clarify the complex relationship between literature and imagination. The paper is organized into an introduction, two analytical sub-sections titled "Imagination" and "Analytical Imagination," and a conclusion. The introduction included a brief literature review as well as the methodological approach, which guided the main research questions about the relationships between literature and imagination and how those connections affect the interpretation process. It concludes with a reflection on the evolution of the Romantic notion of the poetic imagination in modern times (as envisioned by Pound and Beckett) and establishes a link between Aristotle's Mimesis and the concept of analytical imagination.