Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences ()
An experimental study evaluating on the effects of flunixin meglumine and mepiramine maleate in the prevention of intraabdominal adhesions in rabbits
The aim of the study was to evaluate the effects of liunixin meglumine and mepyramine maleate in the prevention ol experimentally induced intraabdominal adhesions in rabbits. A total of 36 rabbits were used, and the animals were divided into 3 groups, each having 12 rabbits. The abdominal cavity of each animal was ac-cesed via a ventral midline incision of approximately 4-6 cm in length. Six longitudinal incisions of 2-4 cm in length were made on the left pentoneal surface and 1x2 cm area was excised from the right peritoneal surface. Group 1, 2, and. 3 were intraperitoneal^ administered 5 ml/kg of the physiologycal saline (0.9%NaCI solution), 1 mg/kg flunixin meglumine in 5 ml of the physiologycaf saline, and 2 mg/lcg mepyramine maleate in 5 ml of the physiologycal saline respectively following the laparotomy, and injections were continued for 5 days after laparotomy. Fourteen days after surgery, all rabbits underwent a new lapa ro torn i e (reîaparatomie) via a paramedian incision, in order to evaluate whether the presence and extend of the intraabdominal adhesions. The results suggested that the drugs used in this study significantly decrease the incidence and degree of the peritoneal adhesions when compared to the control (0.9%NaCI solution) group.