MedEdPORTAL (Apr 2015)
How to Do a PET/CT Scan and Not Glow in the Dark
Abstract This problem-based learning discussion (PBLD) resource addresses the challenges and variables of combined positron-emission tomography and computerized tomography (PET/CT) scans and the approach to providing safe and effective patient care while minimizing radiation exposure. It is primarily aimed at pediatric anesthesiologists but also applies to health care providers in nuclear medicine and diagnostic radiology. The clinical scenario involves a child with a newly diagnosed lymphoma requiring a combined PET/CT scan for tumor staging. This case highlights the challenges and implications of PET/CT scanning in a pediatric patient and the potential radiation exposure risk of these types of cases. After presentation of the case stem, the instructor moderates a student-focused group discussion using a series of questions that build upon the case and a review of the current literature. This PBLD was presented at the Society for Pediatric Anesthesia (SPA)/American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Pediatric Anesthesiology Annual Meeting in Tampa, Florida, in February 2012. Evaluations of this PBLD were uniformly positive. In addition, this PBLD has been presented as an educational tool for the pediatric anesthesiology fellows at the authors' institution.