De Musica Disserenda (Dec 2017)
From Milan to Graz: Milanese and Lombard Composers in the Parnassus Musicus Ferdinandaeus
The Parnassus Musicus Ferdinandaeus includes 55 motets attributed to 32 composers and 2 anonymous motets. More than half of the motets are attributed to 18 composers of Lombard origin, including 12 composers active in Milan. Four composers (Arnone, Borgo, Comanedo and Pellegrini) were active at Milan Cathedral, together with the editor of the collection, Giovanni Battista Bonometti, who subsequently moved to the Graz court chapel. The remaining motets in the collection, comprising around half, are attributed to certain musicians in the Graz court chapel, who were likewise Italian by origin. The article examines cultural relations between the Duchy of Milan and the Graz court, the biography of Bonometti and the characteristics of Milanese motets.