中西医结合护理 (Mar 2021)
Application of drug information cards in drug safety management in clinical settings (口服药图集卡在临床安全用药管理中的应用)
Objective To evaluate the drug information cards in drug safety management in clinical settings. Methods A set of cards contains image and specification of drug were designed and applied in drug safety management in clinical settings. The condition of drug safety management was evaluated before implementation (from Jan, 2015 to December 2015) and after implementation (from Jan, 2016 to December 2016). Results The rate of awareness on oral medication among patients increased from 56. 00% before implementation to 94. 67% after implementation. The rate of compliance with oral medication among patients increased from 92. 20% before implementation to 99. 40% after implementation. The rate of implementation of health education on medication among nurses increased from 80. 50% before implementation to 99. 40% after implementation. Conclusion The application of drug information cards is help to increase pharmacological knowledge level of nurses and reduce medication error. (目的 探讨口服药图集卡在临床安全用药管理中的应用效果。方法 制作口服药图集卡, 比较2015年1月—12月口服药图集卡使用前和2016年1月—12月口服药图集卡使用后的安全用药管理情况。结果 2016年使用口服药物图集后, 患者对口服药物知识知晓率由2015年的56. 00%提高为94. 67%, 患者口服给药依从性由2015年的89. 40%提升为98. 60%, 患者住院满意率由2015年的92. 20%提升为99. 40%, 护士对患者用药健康教育执行率由2015年80. 5%提高到99. 4%。结论 口服药图集卡的应用有助于提高护士对药理知识的掌握水平, 对减少用药差错有重要意义。)