Физика волновых процессов и радиотехнические системы (Dec 2020)
Nanoplasmonic methods in angular spectroscopy of nanoscale biological objects
The paper presents the results of calculating the angular spectra of light reflection under the condition of excitation of surface plasmons in the Kretschman scheme. The silver layer in this scheme plays the role of a reference material, the minimum in the angular spectrum of which serves as a reference point for the shift of the minimum of the angular spectrum when a layer of the studied biological material is added to the considered layered system, which were melanin and biological tissue. As a result of the work, specific pronounced minima in the angular spectra were obtained, which make it possible to identify these materials with a high degree of accuracy due to the narrow resonance peaks in the angular reflection spectra, which are spaced from the peak in the reflection from the silver film by certain angles. The method contains all the characteristic features of the resonance spectroscopy method; the conditions for the excitation of a surface plasmon at the metal boundary act as resonance conditions.