Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia (Feb 2010)
Frequência de rupturas agudas de placas e fibroateromas de capa fina em locais de estenose máxima Frecuencia de rupturas agudas de placas y fibroateromas de capa fina en locales de estenosis máxima Frequency of acute plaque ruptures and thin cap atheromas at sites of maximal stenosis
FUNDAMENTO: Poucos estudos de autópsia relacionam locais de fibroateromas de capa fina (FCF) a locais de ruptura aguda de placas em artérias responsáveis, e locais de estreitamento máximo em artérias não responsáveis. OBJETIVO: O objetivo do presente estudo foi quantificar e localizar a frequência de FCF em relação aos locais de estenose máxima em placas ateroscleróticas. MÉTODOS: Estudamos 88 corações em vítimas de morte súbita devido a um tromo coronariano sobreposta a ruptura aguda da placa. Fibroateromas de capa fina foram definidos como capa fibrosa FUNDAMENTO: Pocos estudios de autopsia relacionan locales de fibroateromas de capa fina (FCF) a locales de ruptura aguda de placas en arterias responsables, y locales de estrechamiento máximo en arterias no responsables. OBJETIVO: El objetivo del presente estudio fue cuantificar y localizar la frecuencia de FCF con relación a los locales de estenosis máxima en placas ateroscleróticas. MÉTODOS: Estudiamos 88 corazones en víctimas de muerte súbita debido a un trombo coronario sobrepuesto a ruptura aguda de la placa. Fibroateromas de capa fina fueron definidos como capa fibrosa BACKGROUND: There have been few autopsy studies relating sites of thin cap atheroma (TCFA) to sites of acute plaque rupture in culprit arteries, and sites of maximal narrowing in non-culprit arteries. OBJECTIVE: We aimed to quantify and locate the frequency of TCFA related to the sites of maximal stenosis in atherosclerotic plaques. METHODS: We studied 88 hearts in victims of sudden death dying with coronary thrombus overlying acute plaque rupture. Thin cap atheromas were defined as fibrous cap < 65 microns overlying a necrotic core. Percent luminal narrowing was determined at the sites of plaque rupture and thin cap atheromas. RESULTS: There were 81 men and 7 women, mean age 50 years ± 9 SD. The plaque rupture was the site of maximal luminal narrowing in 47% of culprit arteries. TCFAs were present in 67 hearts (83%). Of these, 49 (73%) demonstrated TCFAs in the culprit artery; 17 (25%) in the culprit artery only, 32 (48%) in the culprit artery and in a non-culprit artery, and 18 (27%) only in a non-culprit artery. In non-culprit arteries, TCFAs represented the maximal site of stenosis in 44% of arteries. The acute rupture site is the site of maximal luminal narrowing in the involved vessel in 47% of hearts from patients dying with acute plaque rupture. CONCLUSION: These data may suggest that luminal narrowing is not a reliable marker for TCFA.