Український стоматологічний альманах (Mar 2016)


  • A.A. Gruzdeva,
  • O.A. Glazunov

Journal volume & issue
no. 4
pp. 99 – 103


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Long-term effect of the complex of production factors at the same time with the deterioration of the health conditions of workers as a rule may lead to pathological changes of the oral mucosa, periodontal diseases and dental hard tissues. The data of the specialized literature indicate that various harmful working conditions have a negative effect on the tissues and organs of the mouth, causing more marked intensity of dental diseases among workers of hazardous industries. Today we notice the increase of dental diseases by workers in the conditions of industrial hazards. The conductive active purposed study of dental diseases of workers of harmful and dangerous industries is aimed by determining the degree of influence of harmful factors of iron ore production at the dentition system. The study of the epidemiology of dental diseases was conducted in many countries around the world, shows significant differences in the prevalence and intensity of dental caries, periodontal disease and oral mucosa, the decisive role in the development of these processes of natural, social, domestic, cultural and professional – industrial factors. In the origin of diseases of the oral cavity in workers of the iron ore industry we can identify several specific pathogenic models. First of all, the labor activity of the man in the modern mining industry is conducted to the combined effect on the organism of factors such as dust pollution, chemical agents, which have toxic, irritant and fibrogenic action, noise and vibration factors by working in underground mines. It should be noted that the levels of these factors greatly exceed permissible. With the development of the relevant occupation disease the adaptive capacity of the body becomes worse dramatically, the immunity reduces, occur changes in microcirculatory level, which leads to non-specific diseases. The long-term effect on the body of adverse environmental factors can lead to the development of the professional pathology. Under the influence of the vibration by the workers arises the vibration disease that affects the whole body. Unfortunately, during the study of the systemic manifestations of vibration diseases the pathogenic mechanisms of pathology of periodontal tissue is poorly understood. Under the influence of noise along with typical for noise diseases changes of central hemodynamic parameters (arterial hypertension, changes in the peripheral vascular resistance) we also observe non-specific reactions that increase the risk of dental pathology. After contact with toxic components of explosive substances by workers not only appear specific clinical manifestations of chronic poisoning (trinitrotoluene cataract etc.), but there are paratoxical and metatoxical reactions. Many researchers believe that the main reason for the defeat of the oral mucosa, dental hard tissue and periodontal is industrial dust effect. It is proved that the negative effect on teeth and periodontal tissues by local vibration which contributes to their diseases. In workers that have the contact with vibration instruments the severity of inflammatory periodontal diseases increased with experience of work. Analyzing the data in the literature on the impact of professional factors and production of mining production on the formation of dental disease, it can be stated that the prevalence of periodontal tissue diseases among workers of the production occur significantly more often than in a population where the impact of harmful substances in the oral cavity organs is completely missing. The study of pathogenic conditioning of major dental diseases under the influence of the variety of industrial-production factors is one of the priority areas in dentistry and allows developing an effective program for the prevention of major dental diseases.
