Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem (Aug 2020)

Permanent education and matrix support in primary health care: family health routine

  • Danilo Carvalho Rodrigues,
  • Alice Maria Correia Pequeno,
  • Antonio Germane Alves Pinto,
  • Cleide Carneiro,
  • Maria de Fátima Antero Sousa Machado,
  • Antonio Germano Magalhães Júnior,
  • Francisca Diana da Silva Negreiros

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 73, no. 6


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ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the understanding of the professionals working on the Family Health Support by about permanent education and matrix support in the daily routine of primary health care. Methods: Descriptive research with a qualitative approach. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with the participation of 19 professionals from different backgrounds. The results were organized based on Thematic Content Analysis. Results: Thematic categories emerged from the analysis: Permanent Health Education: knowledge and daily activities; Matrix support as a premise of Permanent Health Education; The principle of integrality as the foundation of the supporting teams; Conditions of praxis in the promotion of Permanent Health Education. Final Considerations: The study evidenced that professionals experience their routines within the service and that the sharing of knowledge to transform the reality of users and the territory is based on matrix support and integrality. However, they face structural difficulties in carrying out actions.
