Health Promotion Perspectives (Jul 2012)
Corrosion and Scaling Potential in Drinking Water Distribution System of Tabriz, Northwestern Iran
Background: This paper discusses the corrosion and scaling potential of Tabriz drinking waterdistribution system in Northwest of Iran. Internal corrosion of piping is a serious problem indrinking water industry. Corrosive water can cause intrusion of heavy metals especially lead in towater, therefore effecting public health. The aim of this study was to determine corrosion andscaling potential in potable water distribution system of Tabriz during the spring and summer in2011.Methods: This study was carried out using Langlier Saturation Index, Ryznar Stability Index,Puckorius Scaling Index, and Aggressiveness indices. Eighty samples were taken from all over thecity within two seasons, spring, and summer. Related parameters including temperature, pH, totaldissolved solids, calcium hardness, and total alkalinity in all samples were measured in laboratoryaccording to standard method manual. For the statistical analysis of the results, SPSS software(version 11.5) was usedResults: The mean and standard deviation values of Langlier, Ryznar, Puckorius andAggressiveness Indices were equal to -0.68 (±0.43), 8.43 (±0.55), 7.86 (±0.36) and 11.23 (±0.43),respectively. By survey of corrosion indices, it was found that Tabriz drinking water is corrosive.Conclusion: In order to corrosion control, it is suggested that laboratorial study with regard tothe distribution system condition be carried out to adjust effective parameters such as pH.