IEEE Access (Jan 2021)
Dynamic Underwater Acoustic Channel Tracking for Correlated Rapidly Time-Varying Channels
In this work, we focus on the model-mismatch problem for model-based subspace channel tracking in the correlated underwater acoustic channel. A model based on the underwater acoustic channel’s correlation can be used as the state-space model in the Kalman filter to improve the underwater acoustic channel tracking compared that without a model. Even though the data support the assumption that the model is slow-varying and uncorrelated to some degree, to improve the tracking performance further, we cannot ignore the model-mismatch problem because most channel models encounter this problem in the underwater acoustic channel. Therefore, in this work, we provide a dynamic time-variant state-space model for underwater acoustic channel tracking. This model is tolerant to the slight correlation after decorrelation. Moreover, a forward-backward Kalman filter is combined to further improve the tracking performance. The performance of our proposed algorithm is demonstrated with the same at-sea data as that used for conventional channel tracking. Compared with the conventional algorithms, the proposed algorithm shows significant improvement, especially in rough sea conditions in which the channels are fast-varying.