Česká Stomatologie a Praktické Zubní Lékařství (Mar 2011)

Dental Erosions - Part 1.

  • J. Morozova

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 111, no. 1
pp. 4 – 13


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Taking into account that dental caries is still the most prevalent disease of oral cavity in the modern time we meet hard dental tissues erosions very frequently. Tooth erosions are characterized as irreversible progressive loss of hard dental tissues on the tooth surface caused by acids whose source is formed from another substance different from mouth bacteria in contrast to caries. These acids are extrinsic (from food, beverages, some drugs, oral hygiene products and environment) or intrinsic (gastric acid). Another erosive risk factors are little amount and low pH of saliva, insufficient influx of fluoride, calcium and phosphate. The aim of the review is tendency to describe prevalence, basic origins of tooth erosions and mechanism of their development.
