Cybergeo (Jul 2007)

Analyse des aires de marché du commerce de détail à Québec : une méthodologie combinant une enquête de mobilité et un système d’information géographique

  • Gjin Biba,
  • Marius Thériault,
  • François Des Rosiers



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This paper presents a methodology for studying competition among commercial streets, shopping centres and big box stores within the Quebec Metropolitan Area in 2001. It is based on the synthesis of travel behaviour considering individual consumption-oriented trips obtained through an origin-destination survey. The analytical procedure uses GIS for modelling actual trips on a road network, thereby enabling consideration of accessibility peculiarities related to road infrastructures. It is aimed at delineating primary and secondary market areas for each shopping alternative, at studying spatial competition and at providing preliminary diagnosis on the overall impact of newly-implemented big boxes on the sustainability of traditional shopping centres and business streets.
