Zhejiang dianli (Sep 2022)
Technical and economic study on improving parameters of double reheat units
The typical steam parameters of ultra-supercritical secondary reheat units put into operation in China are 31 MPa/600 ℃/620 ℃/620 ℃. Based on the introduction of the research of high temperature resistant materials, this paper analyzes the high steam parameters of the double reheat units that can be applied in engineering. This paper studies the technical economy comparison of 35 MPa/615 ℃/630 ℃/630 ℃ high steam parameter scheme and conventional steam parameter double reheat unit scheme. The results show that when the price of standard coal is higher than 820 yuan/ton, the economy of the 630 ℃ class double reheat units is superior. If the future carbon emission trading income is considered, the coal price at the economic balance point of the two schemes is about 690 yuan/ton.