SAHARA-J (Aug 2004)

A study of local government HIV/AIDS projects in South Africa

  • Leon Swartz,
  • Niel Roux

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 1, no. 2
pp. 99 – 106


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The primary goal of this study was to survey local government HIV/AIDS projects in South Africa. A total of 240 questionnaires were sent to local municipalities nationally between May and July 2002. A total of 44 municipalities returned their questionnaires, covering 53 projects. Most projects focused on prevention and awareness and the majority had awareness/prevention/information as part of their objectives as well as their activities. Home/community-based care was also prominent. It seems that in the future the focus of programme development will shift in this direction. Major constraints were a lack of funds, transport and trained personnel. Future emphasis must thus be put on these components. In addition government needs to put more resources into local government HIV/AIDS programmes since this tier will be the nodal point for national combatting of the HIV/AIDS epidemic.
