Sakarya Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi (Jun 2019)

Controlled Laboratory Experiments on Radon Diffusion Coefficient

  • Mutlu İçhedef

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 23, no. 3
pp. 308 – 312


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Radon which occurs inuranium decay series is a noble gas and it moves from the deeper layers of theearth crust to the atmosphere. Formation of the radon gas in the Earth's crustand its migration to atmosphere are quite complex process because of too manyfactors. In this process, both the advection and diffusion are effectivemechanisms on radon transport. But mostly the dominant mechanism is diffusion.In this study, radon diffusion of soils taken from Küçük Menderes Basin wasinvestigated by controlled laboratory experiments and the radon diffusioncoefficient of these soils were calculated
