الإيضاح (Dec 2010)
لفظ ادب کے معنوی ارتقاء کی تاریخ
History of the Litreral Evolution of the Word ' Litreature The Word (Adab), contrary to its present equiltant in English language (literature), has an interesting background and exciting history. This word went through mant development in its meaning and senses during different periods of the literary history of Arabic literature. Lingristics took keen interest in each and every change and development came in to its meaning . They thoroughly studied this word, throughout the literary history of Arabic literature, and tried to link between its early root meaning "(giving a banquet) or ( feast )" and tis present meaning ( literature ). This article is aimed to study the evolution and development came in the meanings and senses of the word ( Adab ) form the very first stage of Arabic literature i.e. Pre- Islamic period (العصر الجاہلی) till the modern period.