Physics Letters B (Jul 2015)
Extended Jackiw–Pi model and its supersymmetrization
We present an extended version of the so-called Jackiw–Pi (JP) model in three dimensions, and perform its supersymmetrization. Our field content has three multiplets: (i) Yang–Mills vector multiplet (AμI,λI), (ii) Parity-odd extra vector multiplet (BμI,χI), and (iii) Scalar multiplet (CI,ρI;fI). The bosonic fields in these multiplets are the same as the original JP-model, except for the auxiliary field fI which is new, while the fermions λI, χI and ρI are their super-partners. The basic difference from the original JP-model is the presence of the kinetic term for CI with its modified field-strength HμI≡DμCI+mBμI. The inclusion of the CI-kinetic term is to comply with the recently-developed tensor hierarchy formulation for supersymmetrization.