Revista de Saúde Pública (Aug 1991)

Desnutrición infantil, coeficiente de desarrollo y su relación con el medio ambiente: un estudio piloto Desnutrição infantil, coeficiente do desenvolvimento e sua relação com o meio ambiente: um estudo piloto Infant undernourishment, the development coefficient and its relation to the environment: a pilot study

  • M. de la Luz Alvarez,
  • Ximena Concha,
  • Margarita Elordi,
  • Cecilia Lamilla,
  • Carolina Ramos,
  • Paulina Perez

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 25, no. 4
pp. 282 – 288


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Fueron estudiados los factores socioculturales que podrían estar influyendo en el desarrollo psicomotor normal del lactante desnutrido. La muestra consistió en 32 díadas madrelactante: 16 tenían CD normal (Grupo A) y 16 CD bajo lo normal (Grupo B) según el Test de Bailey aplicado a los lactantes recién ingresados a un Centro de Recuperación Nutricional. Los resultados muestran que había algunas diferencias en los antecedentes de los lactantes: Los lactantes del Grupo A eran producto de un embarazo deseado (pEstudam-se os fatores sócio-culturais que poderiam estar influenciando no desenvolvimento psicomotor normal do lactente desnutrido. A amostra consistiu de 32 pares mãe-criança: 16 com coeficiente de desenvolvimento (CD) normal (grupo A) e 16 com CD abaixo do normal (grupo B) de acordo com o teste de Bailey aplicado a lactentes que ingressavam a um centro de recuperação nutricional. Havia diferenças nos antecedentes das crianças: os lactentes do grupo A eram fruto de gravidez desejada (p The socio-cultural factors that might be influencing the normal psychomotor development of the undernourished infant are studied. The sample consisted of 32 mother-infant dyads: 16 having normal DQ (Group A) and 16 having a below normal DQ (Group B) according to Bailey's Test applied to infants who entered a Nutritional Recuperation Center. Results showed that there were some differences in the infants' backgrounds: infants of Group A were the product of a wished-for pregnancy (p < .05), and were separated less from their mother's side (p < .007) than was the case in Group B. No differences were found in the socio-cultural and demographic background of the mothers. The infants' external environment was different in aspects observed within the neighborhood: there were fewer negative aspects in Group A than in Group B (p < .003) and more positive in Group A than in B (p < .001). The infant's internal environment as related to the mother was also different. Mothers of Group A perceived more affection from their partner (p < .008), were more sensitive (to feelings of joy and suffering) (p < .003) and stimulated their infant (p < .004) more than those of Group B. These results show that the internal and external environments in which the infant with normal and below normal DQ evolves were different between the two groups. This could explain the differences in psychomotor development among undernourished infants belonging to the lower socioeconomic strata.
